Discovery Hall
When it was first built in the 1960s, Discovery Hall represented the best in Space Race-era science education.
Since then, the world has changed. To be at the forefront of innovation means investing in upgrades that will once again elevate our science facilities to ensure that Wayland remains on the cutting edge of STEAM and science education.
When first built, our labs were designed to support teacher-centered learning, emphasizing lecture at stationary lab benches in a fixed space. We know today that is not optimal for students—or for contemporary science. With funds already raised through the Wayland Made campaign, our new labs have been updated to reflect the innovative, integrated learning which was already happening on our campus today. This includes:
- Bright and flexible learning spaces that emphasize natural light and allow for group work, full-class discussions, and experiments all in the same lab
- Connections between our two Biology labs to promote maximum flexibility and collaboration, allowing individual classes to combine hands-on labs and desk work, often at the same time for different students