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Alumni Board

From social activities to educational programs, Wayland's Alumni Association actively engages alumni from around the U.S. and the world.

Mission:  To optimize engagement with the Academy, students and fellow alumni.

Alumni Board members work in concert with staff and other volunteers to drive objectives and provide guidance on programs and services of the Academy. 

  • Expected to serve a term of three years and sit on at least one committee
  • Regularly attend board and committee meetings.  
    • The Board meets five times per year and Board members are expected to make a minimum of three out of the five meetings. 
    • Committee meetings should also be approx 5 per year.
  • Annually contribute to Annual Giving at any level (Academy Fund, Events, Campus Projects)
  • Engage in Association and Academy events  (Homecoming, Reunions, regional gatherings, Coffee Chats, graduation) as well as encourage others to do so, either in person or virtually.
  • Stay informed about Academy and Alumni activities.  (Wayland Wire, Greetings Magazine, Academy’s website)
  • Serve as an Academy and Alumni ambassador through in-person interactions and in social media spaces.
  • Actively vote on (Young) Alumni Award nominations.
  • Diplomacy, leadership and candor are desired traits of all members. 

If you are interested in serving on the Alumni Association Board please send an email to

Alumni Association Board 

Walter Burtis `08 - President
Waterloo, IA

Tami Posnanski Carpenter `88 - Vice President
Milton, MA

Edgar Ezerietis `08 - Secretary
Glendale, WI

Kaden Buss `23
Lexington, VA

Griffin Hughland `22
New York, NY

Sean McClure `01
Chicago, IL

Nick Ostermann `13
Shorewood, MN

Connor Pierson `13
Milwaukee, WI

Cheryl Pivar `80
Bayside, WI

Ben Rabata `08
Deforest, WI

Sam Radford `06
Chicago, IL

Beth Schneider Ratajczak `96
Beaver Dam, WI

Darcy Trapp Silver `03
Minneapolis, MN

John Unland `70
Driggs, ID

Eric Vaubel `14
Green Lake, WI

Michael Vaubel `12
Madison, WI

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seven male and female Wayland alumni at a gathering

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